I often feel I was born in the wrong era but then I realize how much I would miss running water, antibiotics, & my cell phone. So I pretend on the opera stage.
Elizabeth Caballero
Tosca debut in Bern, Switzerland

Photo by Alexander Jane Creative
Elizabeth will be making her role debut in Bern, Switzerland at Bühnen Bern October 15 with other performance dates scheduled through December. Check the calendar for exact dates.
May 19 at the Dade County Auditorium with Jose Negroni
May 19 at the Dade County Auditorium with Jose Negroni.
Staatsoper Stuttgart – Madama Butterfly
After almost 20 month of being away from the stage due to the Covid closures, Elizabeth finally returns to the stage at Staatsoper Stuttgart singing the role of Cio Cio San in their production of Madama Butterfly. More info here.